Strategic social media management to elevate your business

Whether you're a growing business ready to invest in social media marketing to elevate your brand to luxury status, or a new entrepreneur looking to build a strong foundation for your new business, you're in the right place.


Social Media Management

Social Media Marketing is a vital tool for growth within your business, it can help tell a story, connect you with your audience, increase your business visibility and so much more!

I offer three social media marketing and management packages, I believe in a strong strategy and out bound engagement provides the best results, so all my packages will include this, the only difference is how much content you want to be posted - Giving you and your business the flexibility to choose which package is right for you!


Instagram Audit + Strategy

We strategically put together content helps speak and catch the eye of your ideal client, together we will dive deep into what’s currently working and what’s not to develop the right strategy for you to move forward.

We’ll provide you with guidance on how to implement the strategies necessary to reach your social media goals.


Content Creation

Whether you’re short on time, writing’s just not your thing, or you’d rather pass it to a pro who can make your brand voice clear as a freshly-Windexed French door…

(Or maybe all of the above.)

I’m your woman.

And that copy you’re stressed about?
Consider it written.

Frequently Asked

How involved do we have to be through out the process?

Our goal is to take social media management completely off your plate. With that being said, the initial stages of our services will benefit tremendously from your involvement and will help us set you up for success. In the early stages, we will be working with you to gain a deeper understanding of your overall brand vision as well as the inner workings of your business. Therefore, we will need you to be available to answer any questions we may have. As we move forward, we will require less and less involvement as you become comfortable that your business is in trusted hands.

How long before we see results?

This not only depends on us, we are A tool, not THE tool. If you hope to see your business grow, your social media strategy will be effortlessly tied into your overall business strategy which will, in turn, lead to results. This is not a quick fix, social media is a long-term strategy that needs to be nurtured and maintained, that's what we're here to do.

What do you require from us before getting started?

We require that you have branding completed so we are able to fully execute your social media graphics. This includes having a primary and secondary logo, colour palette, and typography. We also request that you have high-quality imagery or brand photography for us the utilize across your socials.

Do you offer payment plans?

We only offer payment plans for specific projects. Feel free to inquire about payment plans when filling out the form in our Contact page!

Do you create the graphics?

It’s completely up to you! I like to give my clients the option, I’m happy to create content as this is what I do but if you’d prefer me to just give the nudge when something need’s creating that is completely fine!

Do you personalise your packages

Of course! If you’re not needing a certain service in one of my packages I can adjust this for you! The best thing to do is just reach out and we can chat more about what I can do for you!